Friday, February 21, 2014

When it Comes to Equality, What Side of History Are You On?

Here's my first Rational Faiths essay, published on February 21, 2014.

"I grew up thinking that with a handful of scripture references and General Conference talks in my pocket, I could always feel 'right' about hard issues. After allowing myself to truly listen to people and face the facts, I realized that there are multiple ways to be on the Lord's side.
In this post, I share the stories, struggles, and statistical data that led me from being homophobic to becoming an LGBT ally.
Where do you stand on LGBT equality and why?"

 When it Comes to Equality, What Side of History Are You On?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Permablogger at Rational Faiths

I was asked to join the team of permabloggers at

I will be writing the 3rd Friday of every month. I'll post links to my posts from here in case anyone who follows here would like to keep up on my big posts over there.